That’s me
Most certainly you’re asking yourself the following question:
“Who is this guy Frank Duhse”
In my high school graduation certificate from back in 1976, this was said:
“…he lacked perseverance as well as determination during his education and this resulted in performance fluctuations…”
That statement sounded alarm bells and also gave me an injunction.
“Set your goals big enough – so the surrounding environment will adjust towards your objectives.”
(Mahatma Gandhi).
This turned into 16 years of active military service as an army officer, consisting of high discipline, order, perseverance, as well as a life within strict hierarchies. During this period my military education led me to spend four years in Moscow, from 1986 – 1990.
After the reunification of Germany, my ambitions and dreams of becoming an army general were hampered and so I started to work as a junior salesman for Mercedes-Benz.
My career in the automotive-industry took me back to Moscow from 2004 to 2007, where I held the position of director sales and marketing Mercedes-Benz Center .
By finding answers to questions such as: “Who am I?” and “What am I?” – as a coach and trainer since 2008, I am able to help you with:
- maintaining your attentiveness – clarity – inspiration – encouragement
- understanding potential or present conflicts and developing efficient solutions
- developing customized professional roles and convincing profiles for you
- accompanying you through personal changes as well as crises, resulting in success
So, who am I actually?
A highly experienced person with a solid education and strong empathy. Your accompanist, initiator, “bridgebuilder” as well as sparring partner on an equal footing. This is what I’d like to be for you and I look forward to getting to know you.